Happy. Healthy. Resilient. Thriving.
Research that supports autistic youth.

Father and son cooking in the home. Father at the stove while child chops vegetables. Both appear happy.


Young people learn, grow, and play in families, schools, and communities. Understanding relationships is critical for supporting and structuring these contexts so they foster resilience in autistic youth.

Stakeholder Informed

We partner with stakeholders to understand lived experience, set our research agenda, and utilize research to facilitate positive development. This process has led to projects on family mealtimes, sex education, and the transition to adulthood.

Row of people sitting waiting for an interview.


Our research is applied which means we are interested in research that can be used in everyday life.

siblings, having fun playing with their dog indoors in living room
Parents having an argument at the breakfast table. Children visibly upset.
Young mom and daughter packing backpack for the school
Youn student with headphones on neck siting in wheelchair and looking at camera in modern library or bookstore

Sarah L. Curtiss, Ph.D.

Sarah Curtiss is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Delaware and director of the Autism in Context Research Lab. Learn more about Dr. Curtiss on her departmental webpage.

More About Autism in Context


Our research has been published in scholarly journals and presented at conferences around the world.


What is autism? Learn more about autism with our curated list of local and national resources.

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We are engaged with the autism community to share ideas and expertise. We’d love to hear from you!

Research that is useful to autistic youth, their families, and educational professionals.